Fraunhofer CSP named one of Germany's most innovative companies 2023

As part of the study "Germany's most innovative companies" published by the business magazine "Capital" and Statista Germany, the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP once again emerged from the evaluation with the highest rating. The evaluation is based on surveys among industry and innovation experts.

© Fraunhofer CSP
Ablation experiment with Second Harmonic Generation fs laser on a PV silicon wafer

"I am very pleased about this renewed award for Fraunhofer CSP. It shows that we have been able to maintain our market position and that our services convince our partners. With the recently finalized reorganisation, which takes into account current market developments, especially the challenges resulting from the energy transition, we will be able to support our customers even better in the future," says Prof. Dr Ralph Gottschalg, head of Fraunhofer CSP.


Fraunhofer CSP combines the expertise of two institutes, the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Jointly they are conducting research on alternative energies and how to increase their reliability, sustainability, and availability at marketable prices. Fraunhofer CSP supports its industry partners with regard to product quality assurance issues along the entire value chain as well as crystallisation, wafering and the recycling of photovoltaics.


As part of the study the business magazine "Capital" and Statista Germany, selected a panel of industry and innovation experts from 1,849 candidates, 466 companies and research institutions from 20 different sectors that are considered particularly innovative. Once again, Fraunhofer CSP has achieved the top rating of five stars in the "Energy and Environment" category.